Being human, I have spent much of my life trying to fit what seems like an infinite stream of information into a worldview that allows me to go through my day, seem normal in the post office, and make what appear to be rational decisions. It astonishes me how much my brain truncates things so that they will fit into my system of beliefs. So much information about an experience, a place, or a person gets left behind so that it can be placed into the somewhat rigid structure of my perceptions.
As it is in my conscious mind, so too does it exist and guide our collective consciousness. The purpose of this phenomenon is to enable us to build an understanding of things a little at a time. The entirety of the universe and the endless potential that exists within it are too much for the mind to swallow whole.
This construct has made it possible for us to not only understand our world, but to use it. We’ve designed frameworks like mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology as guides for how we will create and survive in this realm. These material sciences have allowed us to uncover some of the mechanism that works behind the scenes of the day to day, miraculous, and naturally occurring rhythms and cycles on this planet.
These methods have given us so much and yet our dogmatic worship of our own understandings of things often finds us devoted to the idea that our creations and interpretations are infallible and/or complete. This of course is easily disproved when any amount of time is spent analyzing the science and medical practices of the recent past.
We are constantly evolving, and with us our sciences become influenced and changed by ideas and discoveries that didn’t fit in the box we carried. In our modern society, it is more important than ever to be open to the fact that there will be things about this earthen experience that we may never understand. There are subtle energies at work while we wake and while we sleep that influence and create us and can only be drawn into our physical realm through our imaginations and consciousness as apposed to our measurements or taxonomies. We must also recognize that our intelligence and the collection of theories we use to string up the world are subject to change by future experiences, visitations, visions, and garnered wisdom.
I have seen the hard rules of science used against individuals to limit how they are able to interact with this world. In agriculture, we are taught that the crop is an object growing in a medium and has inputs that must be used to make it large enough to harvest. This version of science fits nicely into materialism where such objects can be quantified and commodified for exchange in the economic marketplace.
This however, becomes the reasoning we place behind using toxic chemicals to shed plants and animals of their infestations and competition and for the concentrates and salts we pour over soil and water to increase yields. These methods work well enough within the human made material realm, but don’t fit within the holistic cosmic picture.
This very accepted view of agriculture does not allow us to really understand how connected everything truly is. When we are taught that monoculture agriculture is the scientifically proven way the human population is to be sustained, we are unable to question how our methods may not actually be serving our people or this planet. Our modern, large scale agricultural systems, guided by the material sciences that support an economic world, are wrought with methodology that has long ranging impacts for the consumers, for the environment, and for the multitudes of economically oppressed communities who end up living a modern age indentured servant or even enslavement based lifestyle holding the system together.
These externalities may go unnoticed within the daily, churning mechanics of the system-especially when the gatekeepers of the methods are able to maintain the illusion of an empowered and emancipated “majority” within our societies-but they are slowly corrupting the very fabric of our world. To function in this way is not in tune with the greater laws of the universe. All of nature contained within a landscape has the power to create and sustain itself endlessly. When we look at a plant, we are seeing the culmination of an unimaginable quantity and diversity of forces in flux; a being capable of creating a habitable world.
We have to retrain our eyes and intuition to see and feel all of the forces at work outside the plant that bring it true vitality. The more opportunities the plant has to connect more intimately and deeply within the fabric of life, the more diversity in nutrients and energies are available to it. In the end, we get a yield of holistic food that heals like medicine.
From the very limited vantage point provided us by the powers at large, it is difficult to see how the everyday unfolding of the natural systems surrounding our cultivated spaces are tools instead of threats. It is even harder still to perceive how something adrift in the distant cosmos could impact the growing habit of a plant or animal or even us. It is at this point that the seeker accepts that the truth is always far stranger than the fiction we are taught to keep us in check.
The web of resonances that coalesce into the world we inhabit and the bodies we occupy are built by the incredibly synchronized and ever changing orchestra of the cosmos. We can imagine all of the sounds on Earth added together as we zoom out into space being condensed into a single note. This note has changed over time as we have evolved and the frequency emitted rolls out into the macrocosm, weaving among the various notes from our sister stars and planets. Each day as the sun shoots through the cosmos, the planets of our solar system chase and dance around it in patterns that unfurl like petals of an infinitely unfolding flower.
The presence of these planets and the location of our solar system as it travels generate and affect the rhythms that guide life and spirit on Earth. As we peer up into the stars on a clear night, we digest on a deep level the wisdom shared by each glowing cosmic body and ancient song. This nourishment opens us up to a more dynamic relationship with our physical and internal lives.
Each of the planets from their post within the zodiac reverberates an essence of the inherent wisdom built from the forces on it, within it, and traveling through it. The forces are then radiated outward creating a sort of lens that influences and directs the energy streaming into the solar system from the expanding Universe. At the same time, the planet is locked into an orbital pattern that sees it traveling around the sun in a mostly regular beat. This vibrational essence and influence over incoming forces mixed with the cyclic rhythm found in its constant orbit is the basis for the condensed energies materializing on the plane we inhabit.
The great archetypes of our world show up in the way living systems build and niche. All systems on Earth, whether they are a wetland or a baby duck, have organs made up of tissues or plant and animal communities that carry out necessary functions for survival. From the chubby tomato hornworm all the way out to the entire garden, there must exist the functions of sentience, respiration, digestion, excretion, hormonal management, reproduction, gas release, and circulation.
Just as one biosphere allows for a particular evolution of certain species over others, the makeup of our solar system has generated what sorts of biological and spiritual life are capable of manifestation in this realm. Using our own body as a map, we can see the layers of an ecosystem carrying out the essential functions of the bodily organs through complex plant and animal dynamics. Nature itself maximizes activity wherever possible to ensure that none of these essential functions are stagnant or blocked.
To see these systems at work and to understand a little bit about each planet’s role in their development shows a little bit more of the order from what appears to be chaos. Knowing that the moon is linked to calcium and bones, and venus to urea, the kidneys and bladder, we see how these key energetic presences build not only the bodies and communities themselves, but also the tools to heal them.
The plant communities on Earth are themselves a guild of healers that show up in areas of disease fully charged with subtle energies designed to return balance to the system. We see this clearly in herbal medicine and even in the weeds that germinate in the gardens, compacted pastures, parking lots, and eroded roadsides of our world. Plants don’t themselves hold within their physical makeup all of these archetypal organ bodies, but instead rely on intense relationships with other living communities to fulfill these functions.
From our current state of believing we must be able to manufacture our own wellness or happiness utilizing a material based system, we have gotten a little lost within the world that lovingly makes us whole. We walk around in nature and scarcely remember how it lays there, revealing everything we could ever hope to learn about ourselves and this miraculous dimension. Even as the climate morphs and variables increase, the natural world responds within the same framework of cosmic forces because that is the nature of this intelligent design.
We are as much the water, dirt and nutrients of this physical plane as we are the products of a cosmic song, singing creation into being through the resonance of our hopeful hearts. As I pick pears and thank Jupiter for the fruit, I sigh to myself over the maddening connections. The sweetness of the pear sings true every time and this present moment of experience is far more informative than the trending headlines propagating limiting beliefs being passed around the internet filled with “facts” that will be disproven in the years to come.